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  • Writer's pictureby Marlen Powery

Ughh...rough morning!?

You ever have one of those mornings where you feel like you finally have your life together? You got up on time, your child cooperated, you packed their lunch, you remembered to feed the know, you're feeling pretty confident...and then life says "Haha, sike!"

Yea, we've all been there. One day, I left the house wearing my dress inside out. Yup, went to work, met some clients, and it wasn't until after lunch when I went to the restroom that I noticed my tag was on the outside!! Lol!

Mornings are hard man! Even more so if you're not a morning person(cough), like I for example. Only time I want to be waking up early is if it's to go on vacation!!

I will say this though, once you find a routine that works for you, your mornings should be a breeze. Read on for my tips on how to take your mornings from chaos to zen!

My advice to you is to find something to make your mornings just a little more bearable. Whether it's going for a quick walk, getting your favorite Starbucks, or just taking an extra 10 minutes in the shower. Planning ahead can also make your mornings a lot smoother.

If your child takes lunch to school, leave anything that you can ready. For example, if your child loves strawberries like my daughter, cut up your strawberries the night before and leave them in the fridge. That's one less thing you have to do in the morning. If they take chips or crackers put them in their lunchbox the night before. One less thing to reach for the next morning!

Now, are you ready for the big one!? This next tip has become my personal favorite. IRONING. Yes, ironing!!! Iron all your clothes the night before!! If your child uses school uniforms, iron them all at the same time.

Iron your clothes for work too. Now I know that us ladies have to deal with the "I have nothing wear dilemma" and we literally have to try on everything we own twice before going back to our first option(my boyfriend hates this lol). So, iron a few different blouses and dresses so you have options. Whatever you don't wear one day, you wear the next and voila! You have your wardrobe for the week!!

I would recommend to do your ironing on Sunday so you don't have to spend your weeknights ironing. I know it seems tedious but it's totally worth it!!!! Believe me! I cannot tell you how much just this one step helps my mornings!!

So, if it means setting your alarm to get up 10 minutes earlier so you can make it to Starbucks or so you can take that walk, do it. If it means taking an hour of your Sunday to iron, do it!!! Prep lunches the night before or simply 10 take minutes to enjoy your coffee at home before leaving.

Find what stresses you the most about your morning and work with that. Find what works for you. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later!

Thanks for reading guys! Have a good one!! Xoxo!

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