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  • Writer's pictureby Marlen Powery

Sunday Fun Day=Actually Have Some Fun!

You know, as I'm lying in bed typing this blog and I just noticed it's 1am, all I can think of is "I'm going to hate life tomorrow". Well, more like in a few hours.  I'm tired man. So tired. Exhausted. I mean that's the standard norm for all moms, right?

Had two birthday parties this weekend plus you know the usual chores, homework, and everything else in between that comes with "adulting".  On Saturday we went roller skating and on Sunday we went to a trampoline park.  Usually, I hate to leave the house in any condition less than perfect. Yes I know, I have major OCD!!

Carlos and Angie always get annoyed because as we're walking out the I'm still straightening the couch pillows lol. On weekends like these though, where I have no time to perfectly clean and straighten every pillow in the house, I realize that making memories is what's important. Cleaning is not going to create those memories with my family. 

Angie had a great time skating with her friends on Saturday and when she asked me to skate with her, of course I jumped at the opportunity! (Honestly, I was going to skate anyway but the fact that she asked me warmed my heart.)

Sunday, we went to a trampoline park and we all had fun! Angie was bouncing and jumping all over the place while Carlos and I were hitting up all the games lol!! We felt like kids ourselves! I even said to Carlos at one point "I love being a kid with you".  

Both days I left the house without cleaning, without picking up, or straightening every damn pillow on my way out. Dishes were still sitting in the sink. The laundry was still unwashed. The dog hair hadn't been vacuumed. The counters were not wiped. 

You know what?? Everything was ok. The world didn't stop turning because I didn't wash a few dishes. In fact, something really great happened. I enjoyed watching Angie have fun being a kid, and what's even greater is that in the process I also had fun! 

We get so caught up in the ordinary of every day life that sometimes we forget to actually live our lives. Work, breakfast, school, packing lunches, dinner, groceries, laundry, ironing. Going to bed late to wake up super early. It's never ending for us.

Now, my OCD can only take so much lol. Hence why I'm writing this at 1am lol. I cleaned and washed the laundry that ward left unwashed earlier, but I can honestly say I had a great weekend. I shared laughs with my family, and that's worth more than anything in the world. 

My Sunday Fun Day was exactly that,  a Fun Day!!! So next time, you leave some dishes in the sink or some laundry piles up...go out and have some fun!! Enjoy your family!!

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